Tag Archive | children

The Little Joys

If you are like me and the rest of the world you sometimes have one of those days that you just want to scream.  Not anything major just  a few this and that’s that just add up to make you boil.

Was it work, something at home, on the drive to or from work.  Or was it a phone call you received. Whatever it was just shake it off .

Sometimes that is easier said than done.   But you know God has a way of providing just what you need at the right time.

He has done just that for me.  Lately, when I have those challenging days I get a little surprise each time.  What is that little surprise you ask?  Here is that little surprise!

Jordyn w new shoes 2014 Jordyn

My Grand daughter manages to show up just when I need a hug.  She is a wonderful distraction and puts things in perspective.  Those annoyances are really not that important.

Just pay attention God really does give you what you need.  It may not seem like much.  Look for the little blessings!!!


Be Blessed,

