Tag Archive | divorce

Chance Encounter

Today I was at work on my second job.  I normally work in a particular department.  My manager came to me and said that after I returned from by break he wanted me to switch and cover another department.  It was not an area that I was familiar with.  I really didn’t want to make the switch but I did.

It was slow but more than enough to do.  My feet were tired and I was ready to go home.  A lady about my age came into my area.  She was looking for something in particular.  I was able to point her in the right direction and we uncovered a few possible options.  As she looked around I assisted several other persons.  She asked if I were going to be there when she returned.

As we were making selections she said that she had a story to share.  She explained that her daughter was graduating from college next week and she was looking for something for her trip.  Earlier this year she had some health challenges that left her tired a great deal of the time.  Prior to that she  lost a considerable amount of weight but gained it back as a result of her medication.  She was buying new clothes to address this added weight.  But that was not the only reason for the purchase.  About 12 years before her husband left her with 2 children for another woman.  Her ex-husband and this woman would be attending the graduation, so she wanted to be sure she looked good.

After she told me her story I explained that I had experienced something similar.  I too had been divorced about the same number of years.  My daughter was graduating from high school.  My ex-husband was dating a woman for sometime and she attended the graduation.  We had been at several events together and she seemed nice enough.  Several months later we took my daughter to school and were moving her into her dorm.  This time there was a different woman than the one that had attended graduation just a few months before.

I was angry that he brought someone that was not a part of our family to something that was all about “family”.  I thought he was really inconsiderate.  I got over the anger and focused my attention on my daughter and this new phase of her life.  I was able to enjoy the time with my daughter, son,brother and his family.

I refused to allow another person rob me from my joy.

As I shared my story tears began to swell in my customers eyes.  She was still struggling with the events that laid ahead, joy and pain at the same time.  I gave her a hug and let her know that she would not only look beautiful  but she would have an amazing time celebrating with her daughter and son.  I told her she could do this and go on.

Her reply ” we single woman have to stick together”.

This was my divine appointment for today.  God new she would be there and I needed to be moved in order to meet her.  I may never see her again.  But this day God planted me where he needed me.

After all it wasn’t about me.

I’m learning that many times it’s not about me.  It’s about God using me to do his work.

I thank God for selecting me for this “Chance Encounter”.

Where has God placed you?  What was your assignment?

