Being A Blessing Is A Luxury ;)

In the middle of your trials take a minute and do something for someone else.
You will feel better.

A Model of Life

Life is about service. Serving mankind.

How else are we suppose to grow without helping another?

Today, I woke up this morning encouraging another to be a blessing to someone. You never know what someone may need at the moment. It can simply be a smile, a hug, a compliment, or even an encouraging word. But, sometimes we get so caught up in our own worlds that we forget our natural duty to help our brothers and sisters. We think that we don’t have enough money to help someone, or we’re going through so much ourselves that we can’t possibly be of any assistance to someone else. But, what we fail to realize at times is that we don’t necessarily need money or food to truly help someone, we can really just lend an ear and listen to them. We can even take a stroll with them. Try shooting a…

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