Tag Archive | Hope

The Pain

So I am driving to work, it’s a beautiful sunny day, it’s suppose to be in the upper 70’s (according to the weatherman, who we know is so accurate).  I have the radio on, the music is upbeat but I can’t tell you what is playing.  Then out of no where I feel myself start to cry.  The tears started to flow and just kept coming.

What was going on?  Where was this coming from?  I then started thinking about my baby brother who passed away 8 years ago.  I remembered how I learned of his passing which was just a few days before Christmas.  He was healthy, an officer in the military, a husband, father, a son, an uncle, a nephew, and so much more.  He had taken is family to Florida to celebrate the Christmas Holiday.  2 days later he had an aneurysm and was gone at the age of 36.

I wanted to talk about an experience we shared and realized that I couldn’t.  No one else would really appreciate the story, they wouldn’t laugh like he would.  It hurt that he wasn’t here.


I wanted the pain to go away.  Why did  it still hurt?  After all this time it should not feel this way.

So I called my Aunt and spoke with her.  She said the pain doesn’t go away but it will ease over time.  You will continue to miss them and you will feel lonely at times.  She really understood because like me she is the last of her siblings of three.  The difference is that she was the baby of 3 and I am the oldest of 3.

We concluded that the  only way we are able to make it is by the Grace of God.  We have our faith and know that with prayer we will make it through each day.

We can’t imagine trying to go through life and the challenging journeys without a belief  in God.

So if you are experiencing pain from loss, the challenges in your life no matter how big or small just remember there is a God that cares.  He will always be there when no one else is around.  He is a comforter and really does care about your hurts and pain.

Tomorrow is another day.  The sun will rise, flowers bloom, babies will be born.  Take a moment in between and remember all of your blessings.  I pray all will be well with you.

Figure at Sunrise



Surround Yourself with the Right People

Circle of FriendsAs we are on this journey together.  That journey of getting back into the game.  Maybe you have been reevaluating your life.  Perhaps you have had some challenges (my daughter has told me to take that out of my vocabulary)or situations beyond your control.  Or you made a choice that you later discovered was not the best choice. Something tragic occurred that has made each day a struggle.

Whatever your situation you can get back up get on your feet and turn life around.  Just know that you may find yourself in this position more than once in your life.  Every time you can start all over again.

Remember that during this time you also have to be careful with who you allow in your circle.

I found this quote and wanted to share.  It makes the journey just a little easier.


“Surround yourself with people who make you happy.  People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need, people who genuinely care.  They are the one’s worth keeping in your life.   Everyone else is just passing through.”    Karl Marx


Instructions for Life

Good Evening,

It’s been a minute since my last post. Life has happened, the washer went out, the refrigerator went out, issues with my car, the weather changed and its been cooooold and windyyyyy. I couldn’t believe what they wanted for refrigerators and they didn’t come with any food inside. Going a week without a fridge hurts the pocket. I tried several options that I thought of as well as referrals. Nothing was working out. Talk about frustrated. I was ready to just scream. I asked myself why was this happening to me and at this time.
God had other plans and provided my answer. I went to the store and was throwing away my receipt when I looked on the back and noticed the name of a place that never occurred to me. There was my answer, they took away the old fridge and brought the new one all in the same day. Believe it or not I actually missed cooking. LOL.
As I was removing items on the old fridge I found this list that my Mother had from 2000 and thought I would share. Just a reminder of a few important things in life.

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.is
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.



Rough Day

Being A Blessing Is A Luxury ;)

In the middle of your trials take a minute and do something for someone else.
You will feel better.

A Model of Life

Life is about service. Serving mankind.

How else are we suppose to grow without helping another?

Today, I woke up this morning encouraging another to be a blessing to someone. You never know what someone may need at the moment. It can simply be a smile, a hug, a compliment, or even an encouraging word. But, sometimes we get so caught up in our own worlds that we forget our natural duty to help our brothers and sisters. We think that we don’t have enough money to help someone, or we’re going through so much ourselves that we can’t possibly be of any assistance to someone else. But, what we fail to realize at times is that we don’t necessarily need money or food to truly help someone, we can really just lend an ear and listen to them. We can even take a stroll with them. Try shooting a…

View original post 162 more words

A New Day A New Attitude

Life has dealt  us all some hard blows if we are honest with ourselves.  We may not be where we thought we should be.  At different times life has been overwhelming.  For some they may have considered ending their life because it has been unbearable.  No matter what  or when it happened we have the opportunity to have a Second Chance.  Maybe it’s a third , fourth or fifth chance.  We get to make corrections, adjustments whatever may be necessary.  In order to do so we first have to understand who we are.

I read this the other day and wanted to share because I believe it is so important that each person really know  and believe this about themselves.  I want to thank Shanel Cooper-Sykes for these amazing words.

Take a moment and read this let is sink in and read this again.  Put it on a sticky better yet put it on more than one and place them all over your house, car, job, anywhere you might look so that when you have one of those days you can be reminded that  YOU are IMPORTANT.

Your life is NOT an accident.  Your story is NOT an accident.  You are here for a divine reason.  You are someone’s miracle.  YOU are someone’s blessing.  YOU are someone’s breakthrough.  YOU are someone’s second chance.  You are someone’s example.  That’s why YOU are next in line for a miracle.  YOU are not an accident.






Are you a perfectionist?

Before you start a project does everything have to be in order?  Do you have to have all the answers before you begin a project?

Is there a desire to relocate, change jobs, get married?  What are you waiting for?

There is nothing wrong with being detail oriented and wanting to have information.  There is nothing wrong with planning, getting all of your ducks in a row so to speak.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to do an excellent job.  It’s ok if I make a mistake.

The other day I was asked what was challenging me.  As I began to talk about my situation, the things that were challenging me  I realized that I was looking for that perfect situation, everything in order before I made a move.  I was being critical of myself.  As we continued our conversation I heard this voice inside that said that I really don’t have to be perfect.  God doesn’t require me/us to be perfect.  He will accept us with all of our imperfections.  I can move forward, take chances without having all my ducks in a row.

Why do we put such pressure on ourselves?  God expects us to do our very best.  So where did this idea of perfection come from?  Then I realized that it seemed generational.  As a person of color many of us were taught you have to be better, work harder just to be accepted.  Doing our best wasn’t good enough.  We were expected to go above and beyond.  Our grandparents and great grandparents had this mentality as slaves.  It was in many cases a matter of survival and trying to move ahead.

So I made a decision.  I may not have everything in order, where I am and who I am is enough and just fine..  After all God created me.  I’ll continue to do my very best, put my trust in God and go along this journey called “life” with God close by.

So what will you do?

A Devotional

Remember that you live in a fallen world: an abnormal world tainted by sin.  Much frustration and failure result from your seeking perfection in this life.  There is nothing perfect in this world except Me.  That is why closeness to Me satisfies deep yearnings and fills you with Joy.  I have planted longing for perfection in every human heart.  This is a good desire, which I alone can fulfill.  But most people seek this fulfillment in other people and earthly pleasures or achievements.  Thus they create idols, before which they bow down.  I will have no other gods before Me!  Make Me the deepest desire of your heart.  Let Me fulfill your yearning for perfection.

“You shall have no other gods before me.” – Exodus 20:3

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4





Pursuit of Perfection



Depending on your belief it’s the day after Easter or some call it Resurrection Day.

People have gone to church, they purchased a new outfit, dyed eggs, bought candy and more candy, spent time with family and or friends, cooked and just relaxed.  No matter how you chose to spend the day everyone knows it was Easter Sunday.

It means so many different things to each person.  After all we are each unique.

As I was taught from Sunday School Class that  Jesus was Crucified, he Died and was Buried.   3 days later He arose, the resurrection.

I would suggest to you that we all have been and can be resurrected.  We get knocked down, beat up., stirred up, and even crucified.  The good news is that we can get back up, we have a second chance at …………….  You fill in the blank.

No matter what you may have been going through you can emerge into a new you.  We don’t have to stay stuck,we don’t have to allow the situation to take us down.

My challenge to you:

What has consumed you, your time, energy, mind and body in a negative way?

Do you want something different?

If you really want something different, not someone else’s idea.  It has to be your own.

Believe that your life can be changed but  it won’t happen overnight.  There will be things you will have to do.  The first BIG Step is making the decision that you want your life to be different.  You have to believe it’s possible  with all of your being.

What needs to be changed in your life?  What needs to be buried so that YOU can be  resurrected?

You can have The Second Chance of Your Life.







Do you really want to change?  We always talk about change.  We find it easier to identify what other people need to do.  Why is that?

We want to look differently, live differently, talk differently.  You know the mantra.

You said all of those things and now it is 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and then 12 months later.  What happened?  Why no change?

Something to think about:

Until we openly and honestly and authentically admit our sin, our weakness, our fault, our frailty, our character defects, confessing this to ourselves, to God and to other people we will never be able to change.


So what do you need to admit about yourself?





Where are you Headed?



Focus on where you are going…not where you are.  Speak life to your circumstances, situations and challenges.  Hold the vision of a brilliant future and what you are creating.  Challenging circumstances will try to shape and mold you.  Stand firm-you will come through this even stronger and more powerful than before.

Dedicate your energy to doing positive things that feed your spirit, your soul and your mind.  Remember that you hold the key to shape your life and your future.  There is power in you to blaze a new trail and to pursue your greatness.  You have something special…you have greatness within you!!!!!

Les Brown

Have a super fantastic day and be Blessed beyond measure.


Road forwardBlessings,

