Surround Yourself with the Right People

Circle of FriendsAs we are on this journey together.  That journey of getting back into the game.  Maybe you have been reevaluating your life.  Perhaps you have had some challenges (my daughter has told me to take that out of my vocabulary)or situations beyond your control.  Or you made a choice that you later discovered was not the best choice. Something tragic occurred that has made each day a struggle.

Whatever your situation you can get back up get on your feet and turn life around.  Just know that you may find yourself in this position more than once in your life.  Every time you can start all over again.

Remember that during this time you also have to be careful with who you allow in your circle.

I found this quote and wanted to share.  It makes the journey just a little easier.


“Surround yourself with people who make you happy.  People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need, people who genuinely care.  They are the one’s worth keeping in your life.   Everyone else is just passing through.”    Karl Marx


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